I'm going to try this out and see where God takes it. I recently finished up some training for facilitators of a bible study and am planning to get started as soon as I can. This Bible study teaches women (and men too) about God's forgiveness. How even the sin of abortion, for what ever reason, can and is forgiven by God through Jesus when we come to him by faith.
Just like a little child takes a hurt pet or a bird that has fallen out of the nest or maybe a friend who has scraped their knee to their father knowing that he will make them all better, I plan to take my special friends to my Heavenly Father so that He can make them all better. Like that child, I can't begin to fix their hurts and sorrows, but I know who can. All I have to do is introduce them.
The link to Heritage House 76, Lord willing, is going to help me finance this little mission. The books for the Bible study cost about $10 each. I would like to be able to furnish all the books each time I start the study. That is where HH76 comes in. Each time someone links to their site from my blog I will recieve a protion of the sale and will be able to buy those bible study books.
Thanks in advance for helping me help the hurting.
Birthday Brag Book!
Two great men that I know and love very much share this date as their
birthday! You are both cringing right now, when you saw the title of this
blog pos...
My Grandpa Lavy went to be with Jesus on Sunday Nov. 10 2014 :-(
Grandpa and Sophia at his 93rd Birthday in September 2014
Here is some of his Grandkids.
New year...fresh start
The winter decor is gone, and the house suddenly feels almost quiet.
While I am somewhat sad to see the tree come down, I am always ready for
fresh and...
We want to keep this blog so that we can look back at it. But oviously it
will not be updated anymore. Thanks! Eileen's family.
Eileen Gerard
August 7th, 19...
I am the wife of a wonderful Christian man who can fix, create and build just about anything. I have been privilaged to watch as God has touched and changed him from what he was to what he is now. The perfect leader of our home.
God has also blessed me with the awsome privilage having a small part in the lives of three other wonderful folks. Yes, you guessed it my children. There are no words to describe the love I have for my handsom son Jacob and my two beautiful daughters Rachel and Leah. I'm sure that I don't deserve all of the joys in my life. I am greatful to a great big wonderful God who changed my life forever.
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